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Recipe of Yellow Gravy


Oil100 gm
Whole garam masala 
Clove5 pc
Bay leaf1 pc
Black cardamom1 pc
Cinnamon stick1 pc
Mace1 pc
Green5 pc
Boiled onion paste250 gm
Ginger garlic paste10 gm
Coriander powder5 gm
Red chilli powder5 gm
Turmeric5 gm
Curd150 gm
 Cashewnuts paste100 gm
Cream100 ml
Saltto taste
Garam masala5 gm


Follow the 8 steps to prepare delicious yellow gravy. While you are reading it, do not forget to learn about white sauce pasta recipe.

  1. Heat oil in a pan add whole garam masala and sauté over medium heat until it begins to crackle.
  2. Add boiled onion paste and sauté for 5 min.
  3. Then add ginger garlic paste sauté for 1 min.
  4. Add red chilli, turmeric, and coriander powder and add some water cook for 1 min now remove the pan from heat and add curd and 100 ml water stir.
  5. Return heat pan brings to a boil and simmers till the fat comes to the surface.
  6. Remove the pan and strain gravy in a separate pan.
  7. Then again heat and add dry fruit paste and cream cook for 5 min.
  8. Sprinkle slat and garam masala.

Note:    This gravy is used mainly for Kofta and pasandas.

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