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world poetry day

World Poetry Day 2021 – Importance, How and When Poetry Day Celebrated


UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) designated March 21 as “World Poetry Day” at its 30th General Conference held in Paris from 26 October to 17 November 1999. The proposal to celebrate March 21 as “World Poetry Day” was passed in UNESCO’s third plenary meeting on 27 October 1999 in Paris.

The decision was made at the turn of the century, with the view that a worldwide event dedicated to poetry, besides promoting linguistic diversity, would encourage and support regional, national and international poetic movements.


Although UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) announced in 1999 to celebrate March 21 as World Poetry Day, many counties have declared their National or International Poetry Day to be the birthday of the ancient Roman poet The tradition of celebrating together is maintained. On 15 October, named ‘Publius Vargillius Beat’ aka Virgil.



Poetry is a form of literature, which has been used since ancient times to express human conditions, desire, culture, suffering, etc. and also and motivate the individual. It is a device that uses the rhythmic properties of a language.

Poetry highlights the creative aspects of the individual to make him express feelings in a rhythmic way.

It is one of the best and the most popular way to express feelings through words and peoples are using this way of expression for ages.

Poetry reduces cultural differences between civilizations by acting as a bridge. It also accepts a particular culture and style and helps in preserving both. It also acts as a natural stress-buster when one expresses his or her anguish by writing a poem.


World Poetry Day is celebrated to give appreciation and to pay gratitude to the poets and to understand and encourage the role of poetry in culture and civilization. Every civilization has been practicing poetry in some form that has been integrated into its language and has become the hallmark of that particular culture.

World Poetry day is also celebrated to bring the people of different cultures all together and to promote the cultural aspects. The poet also remembers poets for speaking on cultural and social issues through poetry; Motivating and encouraging millions of people.

Adopting March 21 as “World Poetry Day”, UNESCO also praised the role of poetry in promoting global peace and harmony.

The occasion of “World Poetry Day” also honors poets and brings back the old traditions of reciting poems, for a culture. That increases the frequent reading and writing of poetry and highlights the connection between poetry and other art forms; like dance and music.


On world poetry day, Poetry reciting seminars and Events are organized and all the poets gather to recite poems and to share their knowledge and sense of poetry.

People from all over the globe celebrate world poetry day. Festivals in most countries commemorate regional poetry and poets, with various audiences ranging from an individual to government agencies, NGOs, members of civil society, poets, literary laureates, communities, and so on.

Schools and colleges around the world organize programs for students to acknowledge the role of poetry in reducing cultural gaps and to praise various poets and their efforts to keep culture and languages alive through poetry.

In many schools and colleges, lectures are arranged for sharing the importance of poetry with the students and to teach them poetry reciting.

Poets are invited for talks and conferences, such as cafeterias, colleges, Schools, auditoriums, and stadiums. Poets from across borders are also cordially invited to enrich people and express their views about their books. The awards are presented to those who have made a commendable contribution in the field of poetry. Exhibitions are also held at various places, to show the work of poets who came from across the border.

As we are currently representing in education sector, we have many staff members who write their words on their words on paper. They are very good poets and fabulous writers. There are some of their profile links and we are sure that you will enjoy reading it.