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International Day of Education

The International Day of Education is celebrated on 24th January every year. The day is to celebrate the role of education for peace and development. The purpose of the day is to have inclusive and equal quality education for all and without remembering lifelong opportunities. This day reminds those countries that it will not succeed in achieving gender equality without education and breaking the cycle of poverty.


On 3rd December 2018, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) designated January 24 as the International Day of Education. The UN report says that more than 258 million children and youth still do not go to school. It says that about 617 million children cannot read and do basic mathematics and more than 40% of girls in sub-Saharan Africa have completed lower secondary school. It said that about 4 million children and young refugees are out of school.

It is very important to root out poverty in India or in the country, to reduce child mortality, to control population growth, to achieve gender equality, etc. This capability is only in education which can enhance the prestige of the family and the country. International Day of Education is celebrated continuously to promote people towards achieving education and to understand their responsibility for family, society and the country.

Education – Human Rights

Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ensures the right to education. The declaration provides free and compulsory elementary education.

RTE in India

The Right to Education (RTE) was inserted in Article 21-A of the Indian Constitution through the Constitution (Eighties-Sixth Amendment) Act, 2002. This makes education a fundamental right for children aged six and fourteen years.

Need for Awareness

Education doesn’t just mean reading or writing or being educated. It can become the basis of social development by bringing awareness of people’s rights and duties. According to UN figures, four billion people worldwide are literate and even today 1 billion people cannot read and write.

Reasons for the low literacy rate

Lack of schools, lack of school toilets etc., casteism, poverty, fear of rape and molestation of girls, lack of awareness. According to media reports, there are 101 countries in 127 countries in the world, far from achieving full literacy, including India. As of 2011, 74 per cent of citizens in India are literate, while only 12 per cent were literate during British rule.

Literacy Rate of India

According to the data, India’s literacy rate is 74.04%. According to the states, Kerala has the highest literacy percentage of 93.91 per cent and Bihar has the lowest number of children.

At NFCI Hotel Management & Culinary Institute, we are doing our extreme efforts to make people educated through our multi-programs and courses, by which our purpose and vision towards an educated world.