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Mango Festival

Mango Festival 2019 | NFCI Amritsar

NFCI Amritsar organized the Mango fest for the students of NFCI Amritsar based on Mango theme on 15 th July 2019. Where all the students presented their dishes. Every student was excited to be a part of this fest. We have invited the judges from Hotel Golden Sarovar Portico Mr. Naveen
Sharma (F & B Manager) & Chef Ranvir Kumar (Executive Chef) They checked all the dishes individually and evaluated them on the basis of
Taste, Presentation and Recipe cards and appreciated efforts of the students.

The top 5 shortlisted students selected for finale are:
1. Sandeep Kaur (Soletas Ataugle Burrito)
2. Amarjit Kaur (Mango Quesadillas )
3. Mona (Mango Khandvi)
4. Harshita (Mango Pudding)
5. Lakshay (Mango Tapioca)


Soletas Ataugle Burrito:

1. Ingredients: 

Ladyfinger100 gms
Onion1 no.
Raw mango1 no.
Saltto taste
Chilli3 no.
Turmeric5 gms
Jaggery2 tbsp
Mango salsa puree3 tbsp
Tortilla3 no.
Refined oil1 tbsp


  1. Take a pan add oil, heat it and add sliced onion & saute it and add salt.add raw mangoes and ladyfinger.
  2. Now add chilli and turmeric. Mix it well. Cook it till oil comes on top.keep aside and let it cool.
  3. Now take tortilla apply a spoon of mango salsa puree and apply cooked ladyfinger mixture. Roll it in cylindrical shape.
  4. Serve with mango salsa puree.







2. Mango Quesadillas:


Tortillas2 No.
Cottage Cheese2 Cup
Mozerella Cheese3 Tbsp
Raw Mango1 1/2 Cup
Onions2 No.
Coriander Leaves1 Sprig
Green Chilli3 No.
SaltTo Taste
Black Pepper Powder1 Tsp
Oregano1 Pinch
Chilli Flakes1 Pinch
Refined Oil1 Tbsp
Garlic1 Clove
Cumin Powder1 Tsp
Coriander Powder1 Tbsp
Sugar Powder1 Tsp
Sour Cream1 Cup


  1. Take a bowl add the pepper, cottage cheese, mozzarella cheese,1/2 cup raw mangoes coriander leaves, green chillies, salt, black pepper & keep aside.
  2. Mix it well
  3. Then in a pan saute garlic, onion & add tomatoes. Saute it and add spices and cook .add chopped coriander leaves.
  4. Fill the sauteed mixture and cheese mixture in tortilla and cook it from both sides. Cut it
  5. Serve with sour cream.




3. Mango Khandvi


Mango1 no.
Sugar10 gms
Gram flour100 gms
Saltto taste
Curd200 gms
Mustard seeds10 gms
Curry leaves1 sprig
Turmeric powder5 gms
Red cabbage100 gms
Mint4-5 sprigs
Tomato1 no.
Coriander leaves4-5 sprigs
Lime juice10 ml
Oil2 tbsp
Green chillies2 no.


  1. In a bowl add gram flour, curd, salt, turmeric powder & water and mix well.
  2. In a heavy-bottomed pan add the mixture and stir continuously for 5-6 a greased thali spread a very thin layer of the cooked mixture.
  3. Give it a round shape.
  4. In another pan add oil heat it then add mustard seeds, curry leaves, green chillies saute it and top on khandvi.
  5. Cut the mangoes, red cabbage, tomato, mint leaves, lime, coriander leaves, salt mix it well & serve with khandvi.




4. Mango Khandvi


Mango2 no.
Vanilla sponge150 gms
Mango custard200 gms
Whipped cream100 gms



  1. In a bowl mix mango custard with whipped cream.
  2. In a glass bowl make a layer of mango custard cream
  3. Second layer of vanilla sponge and chopped mangoes.
  4. Repeat the layers and top it with sliced mangoes. Serve chilled and enjoy.






4. Mango Topica


Cream3 tbsp
Condensed milk70 ml
Fresh milk500 ml
Tapioca pearls(soaked)1 cup
Mango jelly powder80 gms
Mint leaves1 sprig



  1. Rinse tapioca pearls. Dice mango and grind it with cream.
  2. Add condensed milk and milk and mix them well.
  3. In a glass add mango cream, milk mixture, pearls
  4. Garnish with mint leaves and serve chilled.