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Chef Atul

Chef Atul
August 24, 2017
Success Story of Another Entrepreneur running his own bakery at “Nawashehar”, Punjab.Students join any institution or college for better future prospects, if the Institution provides them great career opportunities along with their overall development with focused education, students will flourish and it will create a Name for the Institution also. NFCI is one such name – Best Institute in North India in the areas of Hotel management, Bakery courses, Hospitality and Culinary skills.AT NFCI our focus is to create confident, sharp and informative students in the areas of Hospitality Management, Hotel Management and Cookery along with working on their communication, presentation , and confidence.
The contribution NFCI makes in a student’s life is expressed here by Chef Atul…
“At NFCI I have received maximum opportunity to sharpen my Skills. I have participated in many national level cookery & bakery competitions, which enhanced various skills, like communication, Presentation skills, people handling, team work, time management Etc. Such experiences motivated me to start my own venture. Today I am running my Successful outlet of Bakery in Nawashehar, Punjab.”
NFCI Rocks!!