Our nation is world acclaimed for its numerous legacy however these well known food styles here have given India a particular character on the planet. India is a country with various religions, standings and dialects. Each territory here has its own particular personality, as the distance of a couple of …
WORLD POETRY DAY UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) designated March 21 as “World Poetry Day” at its 30th General Conference held in Paris from 26 October to 17 November 1999. The proposal to celebrate March 21 as “World Poetry Day” was passed in UNESCO’s third plenary meeting …
6 Binding benefits of an egg that make it a complete meal For year’s eggs have been a part of the regular diet among various communities. Eggs are a very popular food item and they are easily available at an inexpensive price. There are many kinds of eggs available in …
Grooming & Communication Skills are exceptionally important in the hospitality and tourism industry. How you look, dress, and present yourself expresses a lot about your attitude towards guests. Since you are the face of your organization, no matter what your job role is, grooming presents you as an extension of …
The International Day of Education is celebrated on 24th January every year. The day is to celebrate the role of education for peace and development. The purpose of the day is to have inclusive and equal quality education for all and without remembering lifelong opportunities. This day reminds those countries …
Making a good first impression is important to any hotel. That’s why it’s important to make sure one of the first physical interactions guests have with your hotel go smoothly. Here are some tips to simplify the hotel check-in process for guests. And start their vacation with their right foot. …
Career opportunities are speeding up in the Hospitality Industry these days as the industry is growing rapidly. Hospitality Industry is the strongest industry in the world in the terms of GDP, employability, and growth. In NFCI we provide excellence to our students in the field of food and hospitality. NFCI is …
As per the new education policy declared on 29 July 2020 more focus is on vocational studies at school level. Every child can opt at least one vocational course to enhance his/her life skills. Sampling of important vocational crafts, such as carpentry, electric work, metal work, gardening, pottery making etc., …
Every year World Tourism Day is celebrated on 27 September in different countries of the world. There are many historical buildings, temples etc. to visit in India which attract the attention of tourists like Taj Mahal, Red Fort, Qutub Minar, Charminar, Akshardham Temple, Gateway of India, Vaishnodevi Temple, Hawa Mahal, …
Table Setting is the most Significant part of the Restaurant. It Must be very attractive, inviting that welcomes the customers. Knowledge and experience are the most important factors for table settings Standard Formal Setting: It is related to placing of Center piece, Table Mats, Napkins, Plates, Glasses, Cutlery. Every Presentation …