Detox Water Recipes: Boost Your Energy & Your Metabolism
Summer season means extra hydration. But drinking plain water all the time can get a little monotonous. So to give your hydration a twist and make it even healthier and refreshing, we have some easy detox water recipes! These absolutely natural recipes, not only keep you hydrated but also boost your energy and metabolism. Try these recipes for a summer filled with freshness and health.
Why Detox Water is healthier?
Fun Fact: Water absorbs about 20% of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients of select fruits and vegetables when they are kept soaked. And this is why Detox Water is a wonderful addition to your daily routine which not only gives you those essential nutrients and energizes you but also keeps your metabolism in check.
It is an effective way to flush out those unhealthy toxins and keep your gut healthy. It does wonders for your digestion and boosts the vitamins and minerals quotient in your body. It is also a great alternative for those sugary drinks that just add to your calorie intake and don’t do much for your health.
Here are some additional benefits that detox water can provide:
Benefits of Detox Water
Water is a great promoter of overall wellness by:
- Minimizing fatigue whether its physical or mental
- Reducing grogginess
- Clearing the kidneys and liver from unhealthy toxins
- Replenishing and hydrating the body after exercise
- Boosting metabolism
- Aiding weight Loss
- Improving Mood
- Flourishing Gastrointestinal Health
Here are 7 easy detox water recipes for you to boost your energy and metabolism
Liver Detox Water
- 1 Liter of Water
- 2 droppers of burdock tincture
- 2 tablespoons fresh turmeric juice
- 3–4 slices of lemon Benefits:
⇒ Enhances Liver Function and Elimination process
⇒ Potentially Anti Inflammatory
⇒ Optimizes body’s natural detoxification process
Refreshing Cucumber
- 1 cucumber, sliced
- Pinch Himalayan salt
- 1 lime, sliced
- 4 cups alkaline water Benefits:
⇒ Rich in Vitamin A and C
⇒ Contains healthy amounts of essential minerals like Silica and Potassium
Hot and Sour Lemon Cayenne
- 2 cups of ice
- 1 liter Water
- 1 freshly squeezed lemon’s juice
- 2-3 dashes of Cayenne Pepper Benefits:
⇒ Vitamin A in Cayenne Pepper positively impacts bone health and immune system functions
⇒ Improves gut health
⇒ Boosts metabolism
Ginger Binger
- 1 cucumber, thinly sliced
- 2 inches, freshly peeled ginger root
- 2 lime wedges
- 10-12 mint leaves
- A pinch of Himalayan salt
- Water Benefits:
⇒ Ginger’s antioxidant compounds help to reduce gas and intestinal discomfort
⇒ Great for digestion and gut cleansing
⇒ Relieves stomach pain
⇒ Minimizes nausea
Lemony and Minty Cucumber Water
- 1/2 cucumber
- 1 lemon
- A few sprigs of mint
- Water Benefits:
⇒ Lemon is rich in Vitamin A and mint is rich in Vitamin C, both powerful antioxidants
⇒ Pairs well with enzymes to stimulate gastric juices
⇒ Gives the blood and arteries a cleanse
⇒ Aids the liver in producing enzymes
⇒ Flushes out Toxins
⇒ Improves digestion and provides anti-inflammatory properties
⇒ Lemon aroma makes you more energized.
Berry Blast detox drink
- 2 strawberries, cleaned and sliced
- 6 blueberries, cleaned and halved
- 4 red raspberries, cleaned and halved
- 4 black raspberries, cleaned and halved Directions:
Fill a jar with ice, add all the berries listed above, and then add water. Let the berries soak in the water for 4-6 hours before drinking.
⇒ Flavorful and refreshing
⇒ Contain antioxidants
⇒ Packed with Vitamins and Minerals
⇒ Blueberries and black raspberries contain a flavonoid called anthocyanin, a plant compound containing powerful antioxidants.
The Trinity
- 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (unfiltered and unpasteurized)
- Juice from 1 fresh lemon
- 2–3 dashes of cayenne pepper
- 1 tablespoon fresh honey
⇒ Aid digestion
⇒ Relieve bloating
⇒ Stabilize sugar levels
⇒ Promote overall gut health
Wellness with Detox Water
Including infused water in your daily diet can be very beneficial for your health. With a wide range of benefits, these infused water recipes can do wonders for your weight loss journey, improve your skin health, boost metabolism and keep you energized throughout the day. It is a simple, delicious and effective way to stay hydrated and healthy during these testing summers. Follow these easy recipes or make your own infused wonders and stay detoxed!