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Summer Fruit Drink

11 Super Summer Fruit Drink Beneficial Recipes 2024

As the Indian summer reaches its peak, local markets are bustling with an array of vibrant fruit that not only tantalize your taste buds but also provide numerous health benefits. It’s important to dive into this seasonal summer fruit drink bounty before it disappears. Here’s a list of 11 delectable summer fruit drink you must try, along with their benefits and a guide to washing them effectively.

What are seasonal fruit?

Seasonal/summer fruit are specific kinds of fruit that are majorly dependent on the climate, temperature, and terrain. India is a diverse land on the planet, with close to every type of climate imaginable. Summers in India are loved by all due to the wide variety of seasonal/summer fruit that fully ripen in the summers. These summer fruits, varying in textures, taste, and deliciousness have an abundance of benefits to your health and mind.

Summer fruit drink

13 Types of Seasonal/summer Fruit in India 

  1. Mangoes
  2. Kiwi
  3. Oranges
  4. Chiku
  5. Watermelon
  6. Muskmelon
  7. Papaya
  8. Peaches
  9. Lemons
  10. Lychee
  11. Plums
  12. Grapes
  13. Mosambi

Benefits of having seasonal/summer fruit drink

Having seasonal/summer fruit in any form like in salad or drink. It doesn’t matter, fruit is an excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Summer fruit drink will protect your skin and strengthen your immune system. Summer Fruit Drink will make your body sufficient enough to fight viral seasonal infections.

A higher intake of fluids will provide instant energy as it will keep your body hydrated throughout the day. A natural source of sugar, water, and beta-carotene benefits you with each sip of your fresh summer fruit juice. You can zap the season with your favourite summer fruit of juice.

Click to watch the video: 5 Easy Summer Drinks जो आपको गर्मियों में तरो ताज़ा कर दे | 5 Summer Drinks Recipe

  1. The King of Summer Fruit Drink – Mango (Aam) 

Benefits: Renowned as the ‘King of Fruits,’ mangoes are rich in vitamins C and A, as well as dietary fiber, providing numerous health benefits. It boosts immunity, improves digestion, and promotes eye health.

summer fruit drink- mango

How to Make Mango Juice:

  • Peel and dice ripe mangoes.
  • Blend the mango chunks with water or ice.
  • Optionally, add a pinch of salt or sugar for taste.
  • Strain the juice to remove any fibers.
  • Serve chilled and enjoy!


  1. This Summer keep your body Hydrated with Watermelon (Tarbooz)

This juicy summer fruit drink will be easily available in the upcoming weeks. It can serve as a perfect snack or drink for kids during the summer, as even a small amount can suffice when hunger strikes.

Benefits: Packed with hydration and essential nutrients, watermelon keeps you cool, aids in hydration, and supports heart health with its lycopene content.

summer fruit drink- watermelon

How to Make Watermelon Juice:

  • Cut fresh watermelon into chunks, removing seeds.
  • Blend the watermelon pieces until smooth.
  • Strain the juice to remove any seeds.
  • Serve chilled or over ice and rooh afza syrup.


  1. Summer Fruit Lychee (Litchi)

As the mercury rises, the sweet summer fruit lychee stands out as the royal tropical fruit that reduces the signs of aging as you grow older. Adding this summer fruit drink to your routine will protect your skin and brain health. Lychee fruit can be a beauty-enhancing and brain-boosting treat in the summer.

Benefits: Lychee is rich in vitamin C, B-complex, and potassium, which support red blood cell production, improve metabolic functions, and maintain blood pressure levels.

summer fruit drink - litchiHow to Make Lychee Juice:

  • Peel and deseed fresh lychees.
  • Blend the lychee flesh with water.
  • Strain the juice to remove any solids.
  • Serve chilled and savor the tropical flavor.


  1. The most Refreshing Summer Fruit ‘Lemonade’ (Nimbupani)

When life throws you lemons make lemonade, squeeze it, and make some lemonade with it. It is best summer fruit drink to keep yourself hydrated throughout the scorching summer days. It is one of the easy and quick summer fruit drink that requires lemon, water, salt, and sugar.

Benefits: The citric acid will reduce the risk of kidney stones. Helps in vitamin, including calcium and iron. It’s good for the skin and improves digestion.

summer fruit drink - lemonade

How to Make Lemonade:

  • Squeeze fresh lemon juice.
  • Mix with water, add a pinch of salt and sugar.
  • Stir well and serve chilled.


  1. Refreshing Summer Fruit Drink ‘Indian Blackberry (Jamun)’

Benefits: Jamun is loaded with antioxidants, iron, and vitamin C. It helps manage diabetes, enhances hemoglobin levels, and fights inflammation.

How to Make Jamun Juice:

  • Wash and deseed ripe jamuns.
  • Blend the jamun pulp with water.
  • Strain the juice to remove the seeds.
  • Enjoy the tangy and nutritious summer fruit drink.


  1. Powerful Summer fruit drink for Digestion with ‘Papaya (Papita)’

Papaya is a fantastic summer fruit drink to beat the summer heat. It promotes heart health and cleanses the body, resolving many indigestion problems or stomach ailments commonly faced during the summer.

Benefits: With enzymes like papain, papaya aids in digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also great for skin health and supports the immune system.

How to Make Jamun Juice:

  • Wash and deseed ripe jamuns.
  • Blend the jamun pulp with water.
  • Strain the juice to remove the seeds.


  1. Cooling Summer Fruit Drink ‘Muskmelon (Kharbuja)’

Muskmelon is high in water content, keeping your body hydrated throughout the hot summer days. Did you know that muskmelon is also a stress-busting summer fruit, helping keep your mind calm and stress-free? Enjoying muskmelon juice in the morning is highly recommended for its refreshing benefits.

Benefits: Muskmelon provides a significant amount of vitamins A and C, promoting skin and eye health. The high water content also helps keep you hydrated.

Summer Fruit Drink - Muskmelon

How to Make Muskmelon Juice:

  • Scoop out the muskmelon flesh.
  • Blend it with water or ice.
  • Strain the juice to achieve a smooth consistency.
  • Serve chilled and relish the sweet flavor.

  1. Rejuvenating Summer Fruit Drink ‘Guava (Amrood’

Benefits: Guava is rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C, exceeding even oranges. It aids weight loss, regulates blood pressure, and is good for your skin.

How to Make Guava Juice:

  • Wash and dice ripe guavas.
  • Blend the guava pieces with water.
  • Strain the juice to remove the seeds.
  • Enjoy the tropical goodness.


  1. Tropical Summer Fruit Drink ‘Pineapple (Ananas)’

Benefits: This tropical fruit is full of bromelain, vitamin C, and manganese, which can help reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and strengthen bones.

summer fruit drink pineapple

How to Make Pineapple Juice:

  • Peel and core fresh pineapple.
  • Blend the pineapple chunks with water.
  • Strain the juice to remove any fibers.
  • Serve chilled and transport yourself to the tropics.


  1. Quenching Summer Fruit Drink ‘Plum (Aloo Bukhara’

Benefits: Plums are known for their antioxidant properties, aiding in reducing anxiety and boosting bone health due to vitamin K and potassium content.

How to Make Plum Juice:

  • Wash and pit ripe plums.
  • Blend the plum flesh with water.
  • Strain the juice to achieve a smooth texture.
  • Sip on this delightful purple elixir.


  1. Nourishing Summer Fruit Refresher ‘Chikoo (Sapota’

Benefits: Chikoo is a calorie-rich fruit that provides energy quickly. It’s high in dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, and acts as an antioxidant.

Summer Fruit Drink - chikoo

How to Make Chikoo Juice:

  • Peel and remove seeds from ripe chikoos.
  • Blend the chikoo pulp with water or milk.
  • Strain the juice to achieve a smooth consistency.
  • Serve chilled for a sweet and creamy treat.


  1. The Nutrient-Rich Powerhouse ‘Pomegranate (Anaar)’

Benefits: Full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, pomegranate boosts your heart health and immune system. Its juice is also great for your skin and hair.

Summer Fruit Drink - pomegrante

How to Make Pomegranate Juice:

  • Cut the pomegranate in half.
  • Hold each half over a bowl, cut side down.
  • Tap the back with a spoon to release the seeds (arils).
  • Blend the seeds with a little water.
  • Strain the juice to separate the seeds.
  • Enjoy the vibrant and tangy pomegranate juice.


How to Wash Your Summer Fruit at Home

Regardless of the fruit, proper washing is essential to remove bacteria and ensure safety. Here’s a general guide:

  1. Clean Your Hands: Always start by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  2. Rinse under Water: Hold the fruit under running tap water, gently rubbing its surface. Avoid using detergents or soaps on fruit.
  3. Soaking: For fruit with thicker skins, soak them in a solution of water and salt or water and vinegar for a few minutes such as strawberries. This helps in killing any lingering bacteria on the fruit.
  4. Use a Brush: For textured or firm-skinned fruit, use a clean brush to scrub the surface.
  5. Dry: Pat fruit dry with a clean dish towel or paper towel to remove excess moisture.


By following these simple steps, you can enjoy these summer delights safely and healthily. Enjoy the season’s offerings and indulge in the sweet flavours while benefiting your health!

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